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Distributed winter clothes to the people in need.

Posted on 10/02/2022

Report Distributed winter clothes to the people in need. Department of Home Science students distributed winter woollen garments to the needed people. Quite sadly, many poor people in our country cannot afford to Buy warm clothes for winter. In this scenario, poor people suffer More. If you not wear warm clothes in winter you can get cold & other disease as well which arises due to winter so to maintain the body temperature also we need to wear warm clothes as Compared to our surroundings its cold in winter season than summer season. For this reason, in the month of 4 January 2021, Students of the Department of Home Science went to nearby areas for distributing the clothes. We would like to Thank DR.SUMAN BHAMBU, MS.MANI NARWAL, MS.ANITA for helping us to organize this activity especially during the pandemic, when those Poor people needed help the most. In such dire times, we need our young generation be caution, promote Awareness and help other people as much as you can.